
Time for focus...


A few sketches for anyone interested...

So heres a couple from my sketch book. I'm trying to piece together the outline for a pagan religion for which I will be a Zealot after the fall of the American Empire. The big guy is the sun god. The other picture is just in case Quentin Tarantino rolls through my site... I want him to feel welcome.



Heres a little sci fi bit if your into that sort of thing.


Last of the First pictures

This guy is one of those people who drinks. I was one of those people... Then I wasn't... then I started again and Now I am a drinker with a courtdate. Thanks cops.

Sweet Ass

So now that that actually works letS START POSTING SHIT!!!

I painted this one for my buddy justins birthday. I think hes really sustainable. Theres alot of green in there because "efficiency is the new black." Jays are members of the corvid family who are some of the smartest birds in all of birddom. in conclusion justin is a smart green bird in the dark dark tree of fuel for internal combustion engines.

American Idol

I think i got the picture thing to work and so for starters we'll keep to the biblical themes and open the forum with a False Idol. Please comment.


So this is blogging...

Im trying this out and for some reason experiencing difficulties. No pictures this time... and well see if it works.

in the beginning

Godcreated the inernet and 6 billion years later I opened this page. Im justy gonna try it a little and if i like it... youll know.