It has been a time since I last posted anything but I thank you for continuing to check in. A lot has happened in that time. As I mentioned earlier, I am going professional and the Beta testing of my portfolio actually landed me a full time job. I guess that means it worked.
You are now reading the blog of the the next Eco-Construction and Maintenance Coordinator for Sunseed Desert Technology. I have been hired as a plumber in the desert. It is exciting to consider my up coming adventure, though it will be difficult to leave my native land. I will be taking off for Spain for approximately 18 months. The ecovillage site is in the Andalucian province outside of the city Sorbas. If you look on google earth, it is the big dry spot. (driest spot in all of europe to be exact.) I will post more info especially concerning my hippie cult summer camp adventures soon but for know, know that I am doing better than ever and that my dream boat is about to set sail.
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4:44 PM