
Real eyes realise.

So I am on the road. First stop is Seattle to attend a presentation by David Suzuki and a follow up creative session with Sustainable Cascadia. The bus south was 40 minutes late... not such a bad deal considering I sat next to David Suzuki on the ride down. He and I sustainably lowered our carbon footprints together though we didn't talk much. Needless to say I was a little excited as this was my first real encounter with such a meritorious intellectual celebrity. This excitement was expressed in a picture I conjured up during the 1:45 minutes we spent together and was appparently quite obvious as his only real comment was... "Its Pretty Phallic." I'll try harder... or maybe less hard nextime..


Kristiane said...

Very phallic, but what an asshole for not even complimenting your talent.

KearsleyDesign said...
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Anonymous said...

Do you change your name every year?
Or is that just a spur of the moment (it says paolo in the corner)? o_O