
The Hotseat

These past couple of weeks have been inspirational to say the least.  When your working with amazing people, its hard not to be amazed.  As such, I have been very impressed with the work I have been involved with and looking to the future I am very excited.  Its a funny kind of excitement though.  The term "Sublime" comes to mind.  Like the grand canyon, vast and beautiful yet terrifying all at once.   I have a wonderful perspective from where I am right now... peeking out over crimson cliffs to hear emerald whirlpools roaring through red rocks below.  This perspective doesn't come without a bit of anxiousness, but its good to be on edge, I feel well prepared and well guided.  Its like the best seat in the house. and there's room for a lot of friends...


Transition Time

There's lots of talk these days about the future.  Fruits being stored, leaks are being fixed, garden beds are being put to rest and everyone is planning for the winter.  Looking at the impending transition, I can't help but taste the bittersweet.  My tribe is on the disband and never again will we be whole.  But new wholes are forming and the potential is nearly overwhelming.  I am taking these days as opportunity to really evaluate the last year... and plan the next ten.  The assessment... Its been really good and its about to get a lot better...