
So last night was an interesting experience. Paul the Auctioneer round two, an adventure in the world of shameless marketing. I learned a few things in the during it all and maybe in round three I'll really hock some wares.
The show is getting good reviews on the street. Thank you again for your support. I really appreciate it and often can not really express my gratitude on the spot. So thanks for checking it out and if you haven't yet, some people might say your missing out.
Finally if Casual happens to land hear and see this I would like to say thank you for being a real person. I respect your devotion to your craft and I hope your wholetour is as fun as the NightLight. Thanks for your effort.

This is one of the ills in the show. Hes a hustler baby and he just wants you to know, that its not where he's been, its where I'm about to go...

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