
Island Life...

Since we last spoke, I have been enjoying more than my fair share of good times. Hence the absence of computer scanning, digitizing, internetting and blogging.   

In brief, my life as of late has been filled with incredible experiences.  Each new piece is fitted into the grand picture like a masterpiece Lego replica of the Methuselah tree.
I have been learning, educating, working, playing and traveling, all under the assumed identity of a permaculture designer known as Saul Malone.  I taught a workshop in Olympia, attended a fruit tasting in Portland, took a work trade tour of PC sites in coastal BC, harvested my heirloom peppers,  ate a 4 deer and 2 squirrels,  pressed 40+ gallons of apple cider, found my favorite plum (the Green Gage)  and started work on a potentially life changing project.  On the whole, it has been a grand introduction to the possibilities that life holds.  I am really starting to see how I want to live out the rest of my corporeal existence so that I may project myself into the spectrum of multiple future dimensions as an ambassador of good times, good food and good feelings.  This is a prime incentive for me to really start operating at full potential... whatever that may look like.


Anonymous said...

wowza paul monster. this was before you drew the sun, purpled the snake, and added shadow huh? i still point out the cheat everytime i look at your drawing :D

Anonymous said...

paul, i love your art and your mind. i want a piece of both. Do you have any work available for sale or something? where are you now..

Anonymous said...

paul, you're doing amazing work...pure genius. its comforting to know we have people, such as yourself, really taking action. thanks for the great posts. when can i get my hands on a copy of loris 2028?