

The challenges of writing your own schedule seem particularly special.  When the road in front of us goes wherever we tell it too, its hard not to move too fast.  I have been trying to keep as busy as I need to, though I will continue to calibrate my system.  Right now I work in and out of my bedroom, in the morning, in the night time, in the afternoon, or not all.  Its pretty fun and as the line between work and life gets more and more fuzzy, I say let it go.  If it works out right, we won't even go to work anymore as everything we need is right at home.


Settling Down...

It seems like the transitional theme is going to carry through the holidays.  Having been in and out of my new home so much, I am little disorientated  but damn am I ready to lay some roots.  It's like I stepped away from town just far enough to see the beauty of the bigger picture.  A few pieces of what I enjoy so much are starting to come together, including but not limited too, a guerilla art gallery, putting gardens on top of athletic fields, super funky dance parties and splitting wood with friends.  As the winter approaches I am feeling pretty warm and cozy... but deep down on the inside I cannot wait for this spring.  See you there.


Move in...

The process of moving in to my new home is mostly complete but the culture shock piece is just about to hit.  It is pretty amazing how great this new environment is and it will be challenging to shed some of the old habits which keep me from making the best of this opportunity.  I feel like this is the time to really take hold of what I want in life and never let go.  Everything is in its perfect place and the future of our culture is so close I can taste it... or at least walk outside and harvest some for me and my friends.



Moving is exciting.  Especially when there is no rush to it.  I am taking my time to make certain that all loose ends will be wrapped up.  I am also working on the transference of momentum so that I can land in the Ham with a fair amount of force.  Some projects are wrapping up as others are coming into the coffer.  All is going well even in spite of a sharp little reality check.  My right arm has been on the fritz as of late.  Nothing too worrisome, but a good reminder to be grateful for what you have... and to stretch out, relax a little and to stand up straight.  All of which are good habits to work on.


The Hotseat

These past couple of weeks have been inspirational to say the least.  When your working with amazing people, its hard not to be amazed.  As such, I have been very impressed with the work I have been involved with and looking to the future I am very excited.  Its a funny kind of excitement though.  The term "Sublime" comes to mind.  Like the grand canyon, vast and beautiful yet terrifying all at once.   I have a wonderful perspective from where I am right now... peeking out over crimson cliffs to hear emerald whirlpools roaring through red rocks below.  This perspective doesn't come without a bit of anxiousness, but its good to be on edge, I feel well prepared and well guided.  Its like the best seat in the house. and there's room for a lot of friends...


Transition Time

There's lots of talk these days about the future.  Fruits being stored, leaks are being fixed, garden beds are being put to rest and everyone is planning for the winter.  Looking at the impending transition, I can't help but taste the bittersweet.  My tribe is on the disband and never again will we be whole.  But new wholes are forming and the potential is nearly overwhelming.  I am taking these days as opportunity to really evaluate the last year... and plan the next ten.  The assessment... Its been really good and its about to get a lot better...


Moving Forward

The summer is fruitful.  Everything here on the homestead is too sweet for words.  Satisfied grunts and Mmmmm's are about all we use.  The "Events" are winding down and it is time to start planning the next step.  I am at a bit of a junction but the signs are clear.  The direction is a good one, the path has not yet been determined but the Teammates are stepping up and we are packing our bags.  The plan is coming together around the original model...  consultation, installation and education.  Things are looking good and moving forward.  I will keep you all posted as the future unfolds... until then...


Feelin' Special

I wish I could say a little more but I am a bit exhausted right now.  Currently, we are approaching the halfway marker of the annual permaculture design course here on the Bullocks Homestead.  In short... I am in high demand and it is a tough place to be.  I am being pulled up and down and left andf right, north, east, south and west.  I am being pulled by adults, pulled by children, pulled by friends and pullled by animals.  Its a bit much but like I said, the glass is still half full.


Family Tree

It feels like I am maturing.  I am not sure if it  is actually happening, but that is what it feels like.  

The exponential learning is slowing down and I am developing a strong familiarity with my strengths and weaknesses.  In time I should hope to embrace them all and grow into some sort of wisened community member.  It'll probably be a couple more decades but I think I am off to a decent start.  People keep telling me to keep doing what I am doing... So I will take that advice and see where I end up.  


Summer of Love

Since we last spoke few things have changed.  I am back on Orcas, homesteading with the best of 'em.  No two days are the same and I wouldn't have it any other way.   Things are really starting to pick up speed and as I've mentioned before, I will try to keep myself busy... but not too busy.  I sense that this summer will fly by just as fast as the last.  My time will be spent playing, learning, teaching, working and saving up to buy me a truck.  Won't be much use as a landscaper without one...

Looking ahead, I can see some really great opportunities and I am blessed with the task of picking between the better of two ideals.  Thats still not an easy choice.  Either way I imagine it will involve more of doing the things I love, with the people I love in all the places that I love to be.  


I land soon

My nomadic winter is coming to an end.  In short time I will be back on my tent platform, waking up with the birds, working with the plants, playing with my heroes and sleeping with the stars. 

It happened again.  That same deal, where I voice a masterplan of mine and find myself deep in the experiences I outlined some months down the road.  This time it was regarding a educational opportunities.  After 6 workshops and 3 college presentations I realised that I am teaching sustainable design and that I love it.  

Now that this "talk & walk" phenomonon is so well documented I think it is time I began to test its potential.  So...

When I go back to the farm I will focus on learning how to run a landscape design/build company.  By studying all aspects of the business I should be able to start my own small potato practice or team up with an all star team of superfolks and unleash the unimaginable powers of conscious redesign, actualised potential, place making, community development and collective genius. 

Big or small, its gonna be a lot fun.  After reading my previous posts I have noticed that many of them end with an invitation to either write a comment, send me an email, take a course or just touch base.  This post will follow suit as well as put out the invite to any and all who are interested in working with me come fall.  I will HQ in Bellingham but I range far and wide.  Collaboration is my new favorite hobby so let me know what your up to and I bet we could kick some ass together.   Until then...



Yesterday I remembered another aspect of my developing career. I want to be a Mercenary and I think I am well on my way. After hitching a ride from Olympia to Bellingham I offered my services for a tree planting operation. Thursday morning I showed up ate my rationed breakfast and then hit the front lines. 30 Fruit trees later, they gave me my lunch, and 25 berry bushes after that I got a ride back home. A fair trade. While I was deep in the trenches, I plotted my course... Hired mercenary to special forces to commandante to community leader to local politics to mayor of the city at which point I pass a proposal by which the city hires a sheperd to graze sheep across the parks and lawns and keep the city well trimmed. I nominate myself and assume the position where I live out the rest of my days, tending a flock.


Rite of Spring

I can't wait for spring time.
The first little buds are poking out and I am getting really excited. My masterplan is being pruned for a new season of growth and change. The three G's popped up for a week as nice options for growth but they have been chopped back to a lone G: Grassroots.
This little branch is already showing promise. My partner and I have nailed down five Permaculture Design 101 courses. We will also be presenting to a few college courses and participating in panel discussions all of which have been coordinated from the bottom up. This all sounds pretty official and will provide great content for my growing resume'.
However, after an exciting design charrette and some philsophical discussion with certified career academics, I feel blessed with a great sense of "Agency". This free will makes me wonder if I will ever even use my resume' again. I kind of hope that I won't have to. Instead, this "do it yourselfness" could provide project after project after job after opportunity for long enough to get me into my long planned early retirement at the ripe old age of 30. Plus or minus 2 years. I will let you know how it goes... and if you want to, I could even bring you along for the ride. Just write me...


There and Back Again...

Add ImageLife is silly.

A year ago in January I was sitting at the very same desk in the same Seattle Public Library posting the same silly work to my silly little weblog.  This little microcosm clearly reflects a similarly unremarkable difference in the macrocosm of my yearly doings.  

I still wander from home to home with a low profile and high spirits, trying to keep my footprints small.  Three seperate masterplans are all coming together and the prospect of executing the three G's in complete accordance with the three P's is pretty exciting.  

In terms of actual production, I am pulling together a series of educational workshops to keep me busy throughout the winter. Permaculture 101 is a one day introduction to regenerative systems design (Green).  There are currently 3 presentations already nailed down in Bellingham and Olympia and three more are lining up in Seattle,  Spokane and Redmond.  For more info check out This Link.  Let me know what you think.